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CV Artha Lestari

Home > Indonesia (19935) > Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (640) > Jogjakarta (79)
Dear ,
We are company from Indonesia country,
We would like to offering you :

1. Jasmine Oil ( with solvent Extraction )
price : U$ 2000 / litre,
2. Rose Oil (with solvent extraction )
price : U$ 2000 / litre,
3. Patchouli Oil 30 % - 33 %
4. Clove Oil

All of our products have test lab.

Jatmika Indrata Mr,
Arta Lestari CV,
Office phn : +62 361 245503
: +62 274 4463031
mobile phn : +62 859 3537 4748
Company NameCV Artha Lestari
Business TypeDistributor/Wholesaler
Main ProductsJasmine Essential Oil, Rose Essential Oil, Patchouli oil, Clove Oil  
Total No. EmployeesFewer than 5 People
Legal Owner9 june 2005
Province/StateDaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Contact PersonMr. Jatmika Indrata
Telephone6***********3  View all, please login
Mobile6***********8  View all, please login
Street Addresscempaka street, no A3
Zip Code50000
sell123 URL

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